
Welcome to CitAI

The Artificial Intelligence Research Centre, CitAI, is based at City, University of London. We specialise in the intersection between the development of novel AI techniques, Explainable AI (XAI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with a keen interest in the legal, ethical and social impact of AI.

We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in computational modelling, cognitive neuroscience, deep learning, verification, logic, game theory, robotics, computer vision, and agents and multi-agent systems - with applications in, among others, health, renewable energy, and the creative and automotive industries.


We offer a full-time MSc in Artificial Intelligence which focuses on nature-based AI, with an emphasis on Deep Learning technology, including training in Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks, GANs, VAEs, Transformers, GPTs, Deep Reinforcement Learning and interpretable Artificial Intelligence. Our course strikes a balance between fundamental theories and practical skills.

We host the new high-performance Robin Milner Lab, after City's AI pioneer and Turing Award winner, where the MSc programme is delivered.

In addition, in collaboration with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), we run the EIT-Digital Industrial Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Program (see Digital Doctoral School). The program focuses on applied Artificial Intelligence to solve real-life problems with the companies who co-sponsor the scholarships, for instance, Delta Capita, Bosch Automotive Service Solutions Ltd, and Ai-London.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact CitAI’s Director Eduardo Alonso.

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